Action Before Inspiration

Action Before Inspiration

Inner Fitness NC Health Coaching
  • Inspiration often comes AFTER action, not before! Inaction rarely makes people want to get up and go after their goals. Doing little to nothing is the surest way to continue doing little or nothing. When you choose to live and do, you will find yourself inspired to keep living and doing!
  • Life usually happens on the other side of comfort, I have found, for people like me who tend to bury themselves in cotton ball piles at every turn. Come up for air from the comforters! Life is there.
  • Love yourself into change! Nothing good ever comes from hate. Sustainable weight loss comes from self-love.
  • Toxic food is like a toxic relationship; sometimes you have to break up with the food and rid the toxicity from your life. If the food is toxic and your relationship to it is toxic, moderation is not key! Cut it out!

  • True, sustainable weight loss can only be achieved with a visit to the inner self.
  • Cravings are information for us if we are listening.
  • We sit around and wait for the answer to come to us and for the right inspiration. Sometimes, even when we have the answers, we still sit there and do the bare minimum. What are we missing? THE ANSWERS ARE IN THE WORK!
  • Addiction may or may not be a lifestyle choice, as this is debatable, and I am not debating it. But your chance at overcoming it is a lifestyle choice. Lifestyle choices include getting help from professionals, treating and healing through nutrition and movement, and doing some inner work.
  • In long-term and large-numbers weight loss, sometimes you have to keep renewing your mindset, changing it to whatever works in the moment, like when you have to keep telling a nagging child “Not now” or “I said no.” The child in us wants what we want with no consequences, but the wisdom in us knows to keep the course.
Inner Fitness NC Health Coaching
Inner Fitness NC Health Coaching
  • The limiting beliefs we have ingrained in us about ourselves are learned coping mechanisms from smart brains that want to maintain homeostasis. And they are just that- LIMITING! By identifying the origins of these limiting beliefs and being aware of their disservice to growth, we can learn to believe and rewrite different stories.
  • Your daily self-talk is your coach. What kind of coach are you? Would you let your kid be on your team?

Food is medicine! Exercise is medicine!