Programs & Services

For every person interested in what I do and wanting to know whether or not my program is the right path, I have great news! You can make that decision for yourself after talking with me for a free health consultation/ chat! This is a chance for you to see if we are a good fit and how I may be able to help you. I want to get to know you and your health journey and hopefully partner with you to remove your obstacles. I love hearing stories about adversity and overcoming the tough parts of life! There is no reason for you not to arrange this free talk. It feels good sometimes for someone to really ask you about yourself and truly want to hear your answers! That’s me! I want to hear your answers in my no-judgment space that I have created in my life and in my business. So part of my services for each and every person, whether signing up or not, is to spend an hour with me answering questions like we are on Inside the Actor’s Studio, and you are the celebrity!

One on One Coaching

One-on-One coaching sessions twice a month – these are either in-person meetings or over the phone designed to meet you where you are at, identify your goals and deepest wants, bring awareness to your obstacles, and recommend tools to overcome those obstacles.

Group Workshops with Tastings

These are informative and eye-opening monthly group workshops with a theme pertaining to common weight loss obstacles followed by a nutrition theme and tapas tastings related to the nutrition theme of the night, cooked by Aaron Weise with @home704, included in price of 30, 90, and 180 day programs.

Text and Email Support

As needed for clients for extra help with recipes, questions arising between meetings, inspiration on a hard day, and any extra needed tools for success.

Recipe and Book Sharing

Recipe ideas to match different dietary needs such as gluten free recipes, low sugar, low carb, etc.., shared on social media and website weekly, unlimited access to a range of health books in my library available for loan that have personally changed my world.

Accountability Coaching

Development of an accountability system that works for you in your weight loss journey that is sustainable and motivating, not dreaded or leading to rebellion.


Based on nutrition and emotional eating – Several tools to help when you face moments alone and want to make good decisions, lots of education on the human body and how to get in touch with it, resources on why we emotionally eat and how to change these behaviors.

Grocery Store and Kitchen Redos Support

This involves a trip to your house and to your favorite grocery store to help you get started and set you up for success with a focus on whole foods (if you feel you would benefit from this),

Workout Partnerships

I will go with you once or twice to the gym or workout of your choice to see if you like it and want to add it in your life (I will arrange a free trial day for this at the place of your choice), or you may accompany me for one free try at my Evofit class to see if it is for you.


$195 for 30-Day Program
$550 for 90-Day Program
$900 for 180-Day Program

Individual workshop attendance without program: $20/ Person
Group Workshop rates (5+ attendees): $15/ Person

All workshops include the price of tapas! Some workshops may be free and promotional! Look at the Workshop announcements so you don’t miss these!

If you are a physician or counselor of any kind and are seeking additional support for your clients’ health and/or weight loss goals, I would love to team up with you to discuss how I can best help your clients stay accountable to your prescribed programs. Please contact me to create an impactful partnership to bring your clients to health!