
Keto Schmeto – Krazy Katie Keeps Ketoing!
I started to tell you all every reason why the Keto diet works, the science behind it that I have learned in my five or so months following it, and what exactly [...]
Personal Strength is Measured By Our Ability to Heal
I am starting to measure our personal strengths as individuals by our ability to heal. As a larger person, I sat on the Victim side of the bleachers regularly. Except when I [...]
The Life and Thoughts of a Food Addict: Part 3
I went back to toddler status this week, pitching fits in my own head about everything I am “being made” to do. I do not want to eat healthy. I do not [...]
The Life and Thoughts of a Food Addict: Part Two
I went to the Chiropractor this week and got X-rays done of my back and found that it is as crooked as a question mark. The problem originated from my feet losing [...]
The Life and Thoughts of a Food Addict – Part One
It’s my third day of being back on the Macronutrient plan. I am logging everything I eat, to fit under my limits for carbs and fat. I ate quite a bit of [...]
Why Diets DO Work When Most Credible Sources, Including the Holistic Ones, Say They DON’T
I have been tossed like a rag doll by messages from the diet industry, as I know you all have as well. “Lose fifteen pounds in fifteen days!” “The Keto diet is [...]
The Best Things You Can Do as a Parent if Your Child is Having Issues With Weight and/or Overeating
I have had several parents approach me about whether or not I work with children in my health coaching. This is such a difficult question because the answer really is “No, I [...]
Getting Back to Your Health When Grief Derails You
In my ventures of practicing health consultations with over fifty women, a common theme I heard was that women were often derailed on their weight loss journeys due to a parent or [...]